

TRIO SSS Traditional

 Traditional Trio supports students who are enrolled in credit classes and who are First-Generation, Low-Income, or have a documented learning disability.

Services include:

    • Financial aid guidance & FASFA Assistance
    • Scholarship applications
    • Financial Literacy
    • One on one math and writing assistance.
    • Transfer planning and application assistance.
    • University application/visits
    • Academic Advising & Support
    • Career Exploration
    • Personal Advocacy
    • Tutoring
    • Referrals to Campus and Community Services
    • Cultural and Civic Engagement Opportunities

Location: Cedar Rapids- Main Campus

Modality: in-person


(click here to learn more under ELA Student Support)

Rubric for Evaluation

Rating Scale:

    • 3 – Excellent. This resource goes above and beyond in this area.
    • 2 – Adequate. Efforts are being made but more could be done to make it more accessible.
    • 1 – Insufficient. This resource is not accessible in this way.
    • N/A – not applicable for this resource.
Current Use/Reflection Notes
Who is the target audience for this resource?  There are two slightly different programs at Kirkwood, both of which serve first-generation, low income, and/or students with disabilities. Must also be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who has not previously earned a degree.

TRIO SSS-Traditional: current Kirkwood students enrolled at Cedar Rapids campus who meet the above requirements.

TRIO SSS ESL: ELA STUDENTS (non-native English speakers, students taking ELA courses at least at level 5, and students who speak a language other than English at home) on Cedar Rapids campus and KRCUI

What are the services being offered by the resource? 
  • Financial aid guidance, scholarship applications, and financial literacy workshops.
  • Transfer planning
  • Academic Advising
  • Career Exploration
  •  Personal Advocacy
  • Peer mentoring
  • Tutoring (reading, writing, and science, as well as English language Acquisition for TRIO SSS ESL students)
  • Referrals to Campus and Community Services
  •  Cultural and Civic Engagement Opportunities
Are there known barriers or stigma that may prevent students from accessing the resource? Many of the TRIO students are extremely busy with work and kids, and so some students think it will not save them time but rather will make their life more hectic

TRIO SSS-Traditional and TRIO SSS-ESL participants are often busy with school, work, and outside commitments which can make attending workshops or off-campus visits difficult at times.

Tutors are available at specific times which might not work for their schedules. There is some flexibility in TRIO SSS-ESL tutor schedules, but the availability is still limited.

Participants might avoid advising meetings if they are falling behind academically and fear that they might “get in trouble” or feel shame about their academic performance.

Is there any data available regarding student perceptions/use of this resource? TRIO SSS-Traditional sends the following types of online surveys to its participants:
  • Event Surveys (for students who participate in an event or campus visit)
  • Yearly Survey (sent at the end of the academic year to gauge the program and its customer service as a whole)
  • Tutoring Surveys (to evaluate tutoring services offered by the program).

Kirkwood’s Institutional Research conducts at least two focus groups per year for SSS-Traditional participants to evaluate program services.

Testimonials are collected by graduating participants.

TRIO SSS-ESL sends the following types of surveys

  • Activity surveys for students who participate in workshop or off campus event
  • Annual needs assessment survey
  • End of the year survey

Testimonials/exit meetings are held with graduating and/or transferring participants

Rating Notes
Physical Accessibility
Is the physical location accessible to the student population it serves? 2 TRIO SSS ESL office at KRCUI’s wheelchair accessibility should be improved as the office does not have a wheelchair-accessible door opener; however, the door to the office is always open during the hours the building is open.

The TRIO SSS-Traditional and SSS-ESL office at the Cedar Rapids campus is in a wheelchair accessible location. The entrance to the room is narrow, however, which creates a bottleneck when students are attempting to enter or exit the room.

Are the resource’s visual images adequate in clearly communicating services, etc.? 3 For TRIO SSS ESL AT KRCUI, there is a welcome desk at the entrance to the building. There is a sign by the door in the hallway.

TRIO SSS-Traditional and SSS-ESL share the same office at the Cedar Rapids campus. There are signs indicating the office location. Program services and requirements are listed on the applications and marketing materials at the front desk.

Wayfinding signage leading to the resource is visible, high contrast, and easy to identify. 2.5 The TRIO SSS-ESL and TRIO SSS offices are included in Wayfinding signage in Cedar Hall and KRCUI.
Scheduling/Time Accessibility
Do the resource hours and timing of programming meet student needs? 3 TRIO SSS-ESL: Current hours: 8 am -5 pm

12 noon – 2 pm   high traffic

TRIO SSS-Traditional: Current hours: 8 am – 4:30 pm

High traffic 10 am – 2 pm

Does the resource offer an on-demand option for face-to-face and online students? 3 For both TRIO SSS-ESL and TRIO SSS-Traditional participants can receive assistance or ask questions to front desk staff during work hours. It is recommended that advising and tutoring appointments be scheduled in advance, but students can receive on-demand assistance if an advisor or tutor is available at the moment. There are online advising sessions and online tutoring available
Do students have the ability to easily self-schedule at a time convenient for them? 3 Calendly scheduling (for advising and tutoring) is available 24/7 for both programs.

TRIO SSS-ESL uses a team calendly page for all calendly appointments for active students. The link and QR code is posted in several locations in both TRIO campus locations, available on the program’s TALON page, and via the program’s website. Students can receive assistance with scheduling appointments when the center is open in-person at either location’s front desk, over the phone, or by email.

TRIO SSS-Traditional has Calendly links to schedule advising and tutoring appointments that can be scanned with a QR code in the lab or accessed online via the program’s TALON page. Students can also schedule an appointment at the front desk.

Digital Accessibility
Are available online resources easy to locate and user-friendly? 3 SSS-ESL has all the program resources, announcements, and program activities available via the program’s TALON page. Program information is also housed on the Kirkwood website and a libguide website dedicated to SSS ESL. SSS-ESL also has a student run instagram page for program activities and events.

SSS-Traditional has program information available on the Kirkwood website along with links to complete an online application. The program also has a TALON page for current participants to access program specific links and resources. SSS-Traditional also has a public facing Facebook page so that staff can share recent program activities and events.

Are necessary print resources available in digital formats? 3 Yes
Collaboration Support
Does the resource help students communicate, collaborate, work, or share information about  academic content? 2 Whereas the space in the offices for TRIO is limited, students meet in the lounges across both campuses.

While there is currently no setup for any interactions online among students at a resource level, since the resource has a TALON shell, it would be easy to set up online groups/teams on students’ request to work on some projects across course sections for a specific discipline or in preparation for some events. Zoom workshops are offered by the TRIO SSS-ESL program, which can be an opportunity for students to connect virtually.

Multilingual Accessibility
Does the resource currently provide or have access to translation tools  or reference materials in commonly spoken languages by Kirkwood ELLs? 3 Currently, the resource is available in language-specific versions only for the contract the students sign as they join TRIO. Since for the most part, the target audience are either native speakers or ELA students at level 5, the need for additional materials seems to be limited. The SSS-ESL program has a multilingual team and access to interpreting support if needed.

TRIO SSS-Traditional does not have forms or reference materials available in languages other than English. Majority of program participants are either native speakers or have completed ELA courses up to at least level 5.

Does the resource use clear language and avoid jargon? 3 The resources use clear language
Is there a system in place for students and staff to provide feedback on services? 2 Students fill out feedback surveys after social/cultural events and workshops; however, there does not seem to be regular feedback collected from students regarding TRIO SSS ESL as a  whole program

TRIO SSS ESL staff and faculty provide oral feedback during bi-weekly TRIO meetings, which is documented in the meeting minutes.

TRIO SSS-Traditional participants can provide feedback via online Google Forms sent after program events or campus visits. Additionally, Kirkwood’s Institutional Research Department conducts two focus groups per year for SSS-Traditional participants: one focused on new students and the other focused on students who have been in the program for over a year.

Is the feedback related to accessibility issues such as timing/location of services, customer service, programming, etc.?

Feedback from faculty is related to all of the above; however, feedback from students is primarily related to the quality of programming (events and workshops)

SSS-Traditional feedback asks students what they liked, what could be changed in the future, and any other suggestions they might have for program improvements.

SSS-Traditional staff have weekly staff meetings where they can provide feedback on services. This is documented in the meeting minutes. These meetings are written into the grant as an assessment practice.

Is there a process for periodic reviews of the resource and ongoing improvement? 3 Both TRIO SSS ESL and TRIO SSS-Traditional staff meet at the end of the academic year to review feedback regarding events and overall customer service from the program. This meeting is also used to plan services and events for the upcoming year.
Does the resource actively engage with traditionally underserved populations? 3 These are exactly the students TRIO programs serve (first generation, low income, students with children), students of color and LGTBQ among them.

TRIO SSS-Traditional and SSS-ESL programs directly serve students who identify as first generation, low income, or disabled, and is housed under the Student Equity, Inclusion & Support Department. The programs might collaborate with other relevant services or clubs at Kirkwood.

Does the resource take measures to ensure traditionally underserved populations feel welcome? 3 Multiple print and digital signage

TRIO SSS-Traditional and TRIO SSS-ESL have an open door policy and an environment that is set up for social engagement and collaboration between students.

Are there events and activities that promote inclusivity? 3 Help with need-based scholarship applications,

Financial aid guidance

Advertising and connecting students  to food bank, as well as other community resources (legal,counseling, housing, childcare, and  others)

Providing social engagement opportunities

Student participation in the following conferences:

TRIO Leadership Conference

TRIO Day at the Capitol

Are staff trained in cultural competence and inclusivity? 3 Multiple training opportunities through Kirkwood

Conference: Council for Opportunity in Education (student equity inclusion and support), Refugee Summit (TRIO SSS-ESL)

Trainings with Mialisa Wright (DEI)

TRIO SSS-ESL team has partnered with KCELT for managing bias training and staff were also encouraged to complete the Mental Health First Aid training

Which channels of communication are used to share services/programs 3 How does the service market and communicate hours and offerings to students?


  • Flyers
  • Talon
  • Kirkwood website
  • Advising meetings
  • Email and text message announcements
  • Partnerships and outreach meetings with departments/faculty throughout the college

TRIO SSS-Traditional uses the following methods to communicate with students:

  • Flyers posted in office
  • Kirkwood website
  • TALON page
  • Email and text message announcements
Is there a proactive strategy in place to ensure students and faculty are aware of resource materials/events/opportunities? 3 SSS-Traditional & TRIO ESL present information in the following ways:
  • New faculty orientations
  • Open house events for faculty and staff are held each semester
  • Classroom visits take place to promote the program to students and staff
  • A TRIO information table is available at every new student orientation
  • All new students are emailed information about the program after they attend orientation
  • New student ELA orientation presentations (TRIO ESL only)
Does the resource market itself to students appropriately? 3 Marketing is appropriate.
Academic Resource: Action Steps and Recommendations
  1. Physical accessibility:  Possibly installing a wheelchair- accessible door in TRIO SSS ESL
  1. Collaborative support: providing online opportunities for student collaboration in TALON (creating teams in TALON)
  1. Feedback: providing additional opportunities for TRIO SSS ESL students to provide accessibility-related feedback

TRIO Talent Search

(click here to learn more under Concurrent Student Support)


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