
5 The Creation of Resource Specific Talon Modules

A commonly asked question is “How do we make academic services unavoidable for students?” While it is difficult to require students to utilize academic services, the committee recommends the design of resource-related modules that can be customized for alignment with course-specific student learning outcomes.

For example, Kirkwood Library Services has created a Talon-based tutorial for faculty use. This predesigned tutorial is designed to educate students on plagiarism. Once imported, this module can be customized by the instructor to meet student needs and course learning outcomes.

The current module includes interactive videos, text-based instruction, and short quizzes to check for understanding.

In a similar fashion, it is suggested that each academic resource develop a module designed with the following in mind:

  1. A learning objective that can be tailored to meet the specific SLO of the course.
  2. Related learning activities followed by a “check for understanding”.
  3. Provided call to action, which would include the location, hours, and services provided by the academic resource.
  4.  Highlighting the benefits and value the resource offers students, with an explanation of how the resource can assist students in achieving their academic, personal, and professional goals, as well as overcoming their challenges and difficulties.



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