
Melanie Gagich & Emilie Zickel

The efforts of many Cleveland State University instructors, librarians, and First-Year Writing staff have helped to shape this text. By proposing or creating content, participating in peer reviews of new content, suggesting edits, making revisions, offering suggestions and feedback, and more, dozens of full-time faculty members, part-time faculty members, and graduate assistants have contributed to this work.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following contributors and thank them for their time and their ideas:

  • John Brentar
  • Yvonne Bruce
  • Johnny Caputo
  • Johnny Cook
  • Sarah Lacy
  • John Lanning
  • Amanda Lloyd
  • Charlotte Morgan
  • Rashida Mustafa
  • Rachel Rickel, 2019-2020 Textbook Team Assistant
  • Kim Rush
  • Julie Townsend
  • Svetlana Zhuravlova

Additionally, we thank Dr. William Breeze, Director of First-Year Writing at CSU, for his support of this project from the very beginning. The First-Year Writing program is a leader in OER at CSU and Dr. Breeze’s emphatic “green light” made this an easy journey.

The initial work done to develop this book was graciously supported by the CSU Provost’s Office and the Michael Schwartz Library. Without their advocacy and support, we would not be as far along our OER journey as we are.



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Acknowledgements Copyright © by Melanie Gagich & Emilie Zickel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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