Updated February 2025 – Academic Affairs
Faculty Payment Form – Stipend
Step 1: Receive confirmation that course development or conversion is complete
- Check the Decision Guide Flowchart (Course Conversion and Development pay decision guide) to determine if this is a paid project. The path to that document on KIN: KIN ⇒ Employee Information ⇒ Employee Forms Plus ⇒ F ⇒ Faculty Payment Form (Stipends). The Flowchart is to the right of the document name.
- Check the web report to make sure the instructor has not taught this course before in this method. The path to the report is: KIN> Employee Information> MyHub> Reporting Services> Credit Reports> Section Checking Reports> Payroll> Faculty Payment Tracking – CURRI and CONV.
Step 2: Access the Faculty Payment Form – Stipend
- Go to kin.kirkwood.edu.
- Go to Employee Information ⇒ Employee Forms Plus ⇒ F.
- Click on Faculty Payment Form (Stipends).
Step 3: Fill out the initial intake information
- Fill in the correct contact information for the initiator (department payroll) and department Dean.
- Enter the faculty’s first and last name.
- Select if it is a grant-funded payment.
- Click ‘Submit’.
- If you are a recipient on the form, you will be routed to fill out the form. You will also receive an email from Academic Affairs.
NOTE: You will complete one form per course.
Step 4: Complete the form
- Fill in the required fields (Faculty Status, k#, Department, Term, Completion Date, Course Number, and Position Code).
- Please be sure to enter the correct Position Code on the form.
- If it is pay for a full-time faculty member, the the code that starts with LN.
- If it is pay for an adjunct faculty member, use the code that starts with JN.
- Please be sure to enter the correct Position Code on the form.
If it is for course conversion, select the format the course is being converted to.
- If it is grant-funded, enter the correct Project ID and Percentage (this will only generate if you selected ‘yes’ for grant-funded on the intake portion.
- Select the correct checkbox for reason for pay (i.e. course development or course conversion).
- Enter the amount of credits the specific course is in the credits column. This will then auto-calculate the subtotal.
- Enter any additional notes that you may have (this is not a required field).
- Sign the document. The date will autofill the date the document is finished.
- Click ‘Finish’.
NOTE: The department payroll initiator will not need to submit an RFAL for this specific process.
Step 5: Form Routes
- The form will then route to the department Dean to sign. The date will autofill the date the document is finished.
- There is an optional text box for the Dean to enter comments.
- Once the Dean has submitted their portion, the form will route to the Academic Affairs Director of Operations to sign and enter comments, if necessary.
- It will then route to the Academic Affairs office staff to enter the information from the form in the Colleague – FAOA screen.
- From there, it route to Finance (if grant-funded).
- The final stop for all forms is to Human Resources – Payroll to complete their required fields.
Step 6: Final Document
- Once all recipients have completed their information, each recipient will receive an email from Kirkwood Community College with the final document attached.