36 WBS Numbering
WBS Numbering
Project managers use the WBS during project execution to track the status of deliverables and work packages. The items in a WBS are numbered so it is easy to understand the deliverable, or sub-deliverable, to which any particular work package is related. Notice that in Figure 5-2 the Install Metal Roof item is numbered 3.2.2, so it is easy to see that this work package is related to the third major deliverable (Roof: 3.) and the second sub-deliverable (Roof Cover: 3.2.) and that it is also the second work package for creation of the roof covering (3.2.2).
This numbering system allows for easy reference and filtering. For example, an electrician working on the Warehouse project only needs to receive details and updates that are related to work packages that start with 2.2 (the Electrical sub-deliverable).
Decomposition is the process used to break the project scope of work into the deliverables, sub-deliverables, and work packages involved in completing the project.
The process of decomposition begins with identifying the highest-level deliverables. These deliverables are then broken into sub-deliverables. Many layers of sub-deliverables may be needed for a project. A general rule of thumb is that if the WBS has more than 5 layers of sub-deliverables, the project team should reassess and try to simplify the WBS structure (often by changing the way higher level deliverables are grouped and broken down).
Once the lowest level of deliverable has been reached, the next step is to break the sub-deliverables into work packages. The work packages describe the work that needs to be done to create the sub-deliverable. Remember that work packages typically contain verbs, and can be assigned to a person, team or contractor.
Once the project team has drafted the WBS, they should ask themselves: ” If all the work packages were completed, and all the deliverables in this WBS were delivered, would the project be complete?” If the answer is no, then pieces of the WBS are still missing. If the answer is yes, then the project team can move on to creating the WBS dictionary, getting bottom-up estimates on time and resource requirements, and planning how to schedule the work.
The WBS Dictionary
The WBS dictionary provides detailed documentation about each work package including;
- Who is responsible for completing the work package?
- What resources will be needed to complete the work package?
- What deliverable(s) is the work package contributing to?
- What deadlines or milestones are associated with this work package?
- What are the acceptance criteria for this work package?
When the WBS is created, not all of the information about the work packages is known (for example, the estimates for labor and material costs). Remember from Chapter One that the planning process continues throughout the execution of the project. As a result, the WBS dictionary is a “living document” that will be augmented, edited and updated as the project moves forward. Figure 5-3 is an example of a WBS Dictionary entry; note that several items will be added later in the planning process.

Components of this chapter come from:
Essential of Project Management: Chapter 5.1 – 5.4 of https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/essentialsofprojectmanagement/chapter/5-4-work-breakdown-structures/